
Sacred Sounds for Soul Liberation

Puranpreet's connection to music runs deep,

Woven into the fabric of her being, music flows through her and forges a link to the divine for listeners to plug into and experience for themselves. She holds a Masters in Music Performance (1994) - and has played guitar and bass among many other talented musicians at international Kundalini Yoga Solstice gatherings, the Vancouver Khalsa Ladies Camp, and the annual Midwest Women's Yoga Retreat. She is also masterful with the gong, an ancient instrument of sacred sound that can be used to nurture profound relaxation and inner/interconnection.

Sound Healing Events

The gong is an ancient healing instrument. It forges a bridge between the finite and the infinite aspects of our being, enabling us to attain a felt-sense of wholeness. By simply laying down, being present and having an open heart to receive its extraordinary vibrations - you are sure to receive a shift. These sacred sounds travel through the body, clear energetic blocks and mirror the energy of Creation that resides in each of us. Create an unforgettable experience of deep relaxation, healing, and meditation at your yoga studio, party, or event with a Sound Healing by Puranpreet.

Celestial Essence by Preet

In 2017, the band Preet released "Celestial Essence," an album of original compositions of the Kundalini Aquarian Sadhana chants. Preet, a word infused in the meaning of 'love' in Sanskrit, mirrors Puranpreet's divine mission as a vessel for universal love. Through music, she magnifies and channels this love into the world and illuminates it in others.