In the most general sense, Tattva means “an aspect of reality that forms the basis of human experience”. The five most dense Tattvas are the most tangible constituents of reality: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Ether. They make up the human physical structure and are also the Elements of Nature that comprise the entire planet – and beyond!
We can resist stress, trauma, and other imbalances if the five Tattvas are strong, balanced and in alignment with each other.
In this workshop, through various Kundalini Yoga exercises & Plant Prana Essential Oils mystically curated by Master Healer Greg Toews, we will balance the Tattvas to facilitate Spiritual Maturation and the Realization of the pervasive nature of Shakti – your unlimited Creative Potential! Join Puranpreet Kaur & the vibrant Creation Yoga Sangat for a unique day of personal evolution!
Lunch: Soup will be served. Please bring a small vegetarian side dish to pass.
Cost: $140 (includes oil kit at cost)
Registration: (1) Zelle Puranpreet at, or (2) Register at the button below.