Kundalini Yoga Events
Chicago Area
Click on each event to learn more.

Balance the Tattvas with Kundalini Yoga & Prana Plant Essential Oils
In the most general sense, Tattva means “an aspect of reality that forms the basis of human experience”. The five most dense Tattvas are the most tangible constituents of reality: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Ether. They make up the human physical structure and are also the Elements of Nature that comprise the entire planet – and beyond!
We can resist stress, trauma, and other imbalances if the five Tattvas are strong, balanced and in alignment with each other.
In this workshop, through various Kundalini Yoga exercises & Plant Prana Essential Oils mystically curated by Master Healer Greg Toews, we will balance the Tattvas to facilitate Spiritual Maturation and the Realization of the pervasive nature of Shakti – your unlimited Creative Potential! Join Puranpreet Kaur & the vibrant Creation Yoga Sangat for a unique day of personal evolution!
Lunch: Soup will be served. Please bring a small vegetarian side dish to pass.
Cost: $140 (includes oil kit at cost)
Registration: (1) Zelle Puranpreet at puranpreetkaur@creationyoga.com, or (2) Register at the button below.

White Tantric Yoga Chicago
Release the mental burdens of your past!
White Tantric Yoga® is done in pairs as a group meditation. You sit facing a partner and follow instructions for meditation given on video by the Mahan Tantric, Yogi Bhajan.
A representative of the Mahan Tantric will be present to facilitate White Tantric Yoga®. The original facilitators were chosen personally by Yogi Bhajan from members of his staff. Since his passing the Board Members of Humanology and Health Science, which manages White Tantric Yoga, have used the profile he created for choosing new facilitators. Currently all White Tantric Yoga facilitators have studied personally with Yogi Bhajan. The facilitator's role is one of ensuring the methodology given by Yogi Bhajan is carried out, and helping participants maximize their experience.
Each workshop consists of between six and eight kriyas. A kriya is a meditation incorporating:
a yoga posture (asana)
a hand position (mudra)
a breathing technique (pranayama)
a mental focus
and/or a mantra
Sometimes the kriyas are accompanied by music. These kriyas vary in length, for 11 minutes up to sixty-two minutes. There are breaks between each kriya. The environment is peaceful, and the atmosphere is friendly, supportive, and up-lifting. A vegetarian lunch is provided along with fruit snacks.
There are no prerequisites for participating in White Tantric Yoga®. Beginners will tune into their internal energies and enjoy a deep and sometimes challenging meditative experience. More advanced meditation practitioners will deepen their experience and make new inroads to their spiritual awareness.

The Power of Pranayam
How deeply have you considered your relationship with your breath?
The depth of your breath reflects the depth of your consciousness. By cultivating a vibrant and energized connection with your breath, you unlock the gateway to heightened intuition. With that intuition, you can make clearer decisions, leading to greater serenity and soulful fulfillment in your life.
Join Puranpreet Kaur, E-RYT 500, and experience her passion for Kundalini Yoga firsthand! This workshop will incorporate pranayama (breathwork), asana (yoga postures), and—of course—the transformative power of the Gong.
Cost: $35

Gong immersion with BluePearl Wave
Join BluePearl Wave for an escapade into Sound healing!
When you relax into a Gong Immersion and guide your awareness to your inner listening, you allow your brain waves to shift into a more relaxed state - similar to a dreamlike state. This dreamlike state is an invitation into a deeper level of consciousness & is an opportunity to gain perspective on what’s going on within you through subtle self-inquiry and self-discovery. The result can be a feeling of profound peace & happiness.

The Radiant Body: A Glimpse into Courage and Creativity
Courage Beyond Expectations
The Radiant Body (or 10th Body) is significant in Kundalini Yoga. Visualize it as a golden halo of light surrounding the Aura, which enthrones your true essence. It is your Divine right to be royal. This is your Radiance!
This “Body” is the guardian of courage. When the Radiant body is strong, we are limitless. It allows us to surpass our own expectations, as well as any societal limitations imposed upon us.
Will you allow yourself to be creative and courageous?
Cost: $40 when registering 10+ days in advance / $45 when registering less than 10 days in advance

Healing with Light and Love: The Antahkarana with Master Healer Greg Toews
The I AM Presence and The Antahkarana
Receive an Aromatherapy kit worth over $400
Harness your body’s ability to be a “Vessel” of Light
Utilize the I AM presence for physical and psychological healing
Experience the calming effect of the I AM presence on the mind
Practice the Violet Flame Technique taught by St.Germaine
Reduce triggers
Build light in the Etheric Spinal Cord
Learn how Light becomes “Inner Providence” known as Divine Love
Experience each aspect of Higher Consciousness
Use blends for Dream Consciousness, Sleep Consciousness, and Waking Consciousness
Discuss how sleep, memory and pain management play a role into your psychological make up and spiritual growth
Understand how memory is a reflection of your ability to experience the aspect of higher consciousness known as waking consciousness
Go beyond normal treatments for sleep and address the source known as Sleep Consciousness
Use Dream Consciousness to heal psychological pains and struggles
Practice techniques associated with “ I AM the Truth, Life, and the Way”
Tune the body to the type of experiences that you desire
Deeply understand the meaning of “Inner Healing”
Wake up dormant aspects of yourself
Bring forth Karmic Abilities
Deep dive on the Spine, Spinothalamic Tract, and the Pillar of Light
Mechanics of inner peace and stillness
Embody more of your true nature
Enhance any devotional practice
Enhance the formation of memory
Improve the healing power of sleep
Dream your way out of psychological pain
Utilize trigger point blends to open the spine and diaphragm
Tinctures to help with refine the spine and brain including intuition
Open up the flow of energy through the body for better healing
Accelerate the development of the incarnated soul and the point of light above your head
Learn the effects of trauma on the body / mind connection, and how to turn off the continuing alteration of who you are
This is a deeper look at an aspect of Vibrational Healing and the companion work of Auric Programming
Meditation on the Antahkarana
Plus more
Saturday January 25: 9am-6pm
Sunday January 26: 10am-6pm

De-Mystifying Kundalini Yoga
Are you curious about what happens in a Kundalini Yoga class?
In a casual environment we will:
Explain what Kundalini Energy is & all of its resulting benefits
Explain the basic structure of a typical Kundalini Yoga class
Share a bit about the history of Kundalini Yoga in the West
Answer any & all of your questions
Practice foundational exercises.
Explain why white is often worn to class (NEVER a requirement!)
Explain why the teacher covers her head (NEVER a requirement for students!)
Experience – THE GONG!
Cost: $25 when registering 10+ days in advance / $30 when registering less than 10 days in advance

All Gong Sound Healing
Immerse yourself in the transformative power of sound.
Join Puranpreet Kaur, E-RYT 500, for an All Gong Sound Healing session and experience the ancient vibrations of the gong, a sacred instrument for meditation, relaxation, and healing. The gong’s resonant tones create a bridge between the finite and infinite, clearing energetic blocks and inviting a deep sense of wholeness within.
As the vibrations travel through your body, they guide your brain waves into a dreamlike state, offering profound relaxation and self-discovery. This immersive experience is an opportunity to reconnect with your inner essence and emerge with a renewed sense of peace and clarity.
All are invited to stay for tea and snacks afterward!
Cost: $20

Brain Waves and Vital Centers 2.0
Heal trigger responses
Increase calm and peaceful emotions even in times of difficulty
Change your response to stress, fear, trauma
Improves the healing rate of the body
Intensifies the movement of energy through the body including kundalini
Increases the “expansion within the form” associated with experiencing “oneness”
Prepares the body and mind for deeper work with the angelic realm
Deeper connection to your inner guidance
Preps the mental body for inner transmissions from the higher soul and inner teachers
Deepens the impact of alchemical practices
Accelerates the formation of the golden body
Transmute elementals in the body associated with conditioning from the past
Important in resetting the immune system
Vastly improves your meditations and prayer practice
Accelerates emotional learning
Brain Waves and Vital Centers kit included with the purchase of the class: small bottles unless stated otherwise.
Saturday October 26: 9am-6pm
Sunday October 27: 10am-6pm
Early Bird (through Octover 21st): $275
Zoom Option Available!

Vibrational Healing: Building the Body of Light
Vibration: a characteristic emanation, aura, or spirit that infuses or vitalizes someone or something and that can be instinctively sensed or experienced
Vibrational Healing: raising the level of spiritual energy within the body, emotions, and mind to facilitate healing, activation of the upper faculties, improve intuition and problem solving, clairvoyance, and deeper spiritual experiences
Every condition has a physical, emotional, and mental component that is addressed with this technique
Increase the spontaneity of the soul (or Buddha Nature)
Accelerate the body’s ability to heal
Increase the influence of your higher nature while diminishing the influence of your conditioned lower nature (primal self)
Refine the superego (that that is only partly conscious, represents internalization of parental conscience and the rules of society, and functions to reward and punish through a system of moral attitudes, conscience, and a sense of guilt)
Refine the ego (the organized conscious mediator between the person and reality especially by functioning both in the perception of and adaptation to reality)
Refine the Id (the source of psychic energy derived from instinctual needs and drives)
Healing for brain fatigue
Great for preventing health issues
Key aspect in the development of Siddhis (abilities or powers that are not learned but are revealed)
Improve your ability to bring forth information from dreams and meditation
Develop ability for inner transformation
Shift the nervous system by increasing light in the nervous system
Undo the years of conditioning and its effect on how you think
Deepen states of happiness, joy, bliss, and clarity
Significantly improve your sense of well being through a specific body treatment @
Deeply Harmonize the body and mind
Use spagyric (alchemical compounds that harmonize the body, emotions, and mind) to bring heightened states of consciousness
Practices involving entering the “cave of the heart”
Use techniques to heal difficult and chronic health issues
Address toxic stress (toxic stress is stress that creates malfunctions in the body’s processes)
Generate greater awareness of the inner eye and improve inner awareness
Gently breakdown emotional patterns and glamours which is necessary for psychological healing and spiritual growth
Reduce the mechanics that produce illusion in the mind
Diminish the influence of chaos on the mind
Improve your ability to channel the divine
Angel work
Plus more
Saturday September 7: 9am-6pm
Sunday September 8: 10am-6pm
Early Bird (through August 31st): $225
Regular Price: $275
Zoom Option Available!

Clairvoyance 2 with Greg Toews of Astara
Clairvoyance is a French word that means “Clear Seeing.” It’s a psychic ability, the intuitive 6th Sense, and the subtle perception that allows us to see energy. We have our usual 5 senses of the body (touch, taste, sight, smell, hearing), and we also have many psychic senses that the spirit uses to receive more subtle information, beyond the five ordinary senses. Explore your own clairvoyant potential!
Donation-based event. Cash, Zelle, or directly to Astara.org
Zoom Option Available!

Mantra & Gong Event with PREET
Join in for energizing and grounding Pranayam—and come prepared to chant your favorite Mantras! 30 minutes of gongs will allow for integration of the entire Celestial experience.
Cash or Zelle Donations

Gong immersion with BluePearl Wave
Join BluePearl Wave for an escapade into Sound healing! When you relax into a Gong Immersion and guide your awareness to your inner listening, you allow your brain waves to shift into a more relaxed state - similar to a dreamlike state. This dreamlike state is an invitation into a deeper level of consciousness & is an opportunity to gain perspective on what’s going on within you through subtle self-inquiry and self-discovery. The result can be a feeling of profound peace & happiness.
1 hour of Kundalini Yoga + 1 hour of Gong
Outdoor event at Creation Yoga
Optional Potluck afterwards
$30 early bird through June 16
$35 thereafter

Divine Protection and The Seven Soul Rays: Special Aromatherapy Class with Greg Toews
Greg Toews, creator & owner of Plant Prana Oils, is back for another weekend of deep expansion & healing with his Oils. Personally curated with the highest intentions for wholeness, these Plant Prana Oils are infused with the Divine. Set your intentions & be prepared for a journey!
Receive an aromatherapy gift kit
Learn how to harness the rhythms of the body for purifying the effects of negativity and projections from others
Discuss the various levels of protection and why they are important for physical health, psychological well being and your spiritual development
Understand what is meant by protecting the Light
Utilize specific aspects of the soul for healing
Apply what you learn to an easy to follow recipe book for healing tendencies within the body and psyche
Use the rhythms to accelerate healing through aligning with Divine Intelligence and the creative process
Experience the aspects of the soul through simple processes
Develop each aspect of the soul to deepen your healing practices
Do practices that accelerate your soul emanating to impact the people around you
Deepen your ability to be present
Heighten your meditation and prayer practices
Saturday June 1: 9am-6pm
Sunday June 2: 10am-6pm
Early Bird (through May 27th): $225
Regular Price: $275
Zoom Option Available!

JapJi Sahib Workshop with Amrit Kaur Dhillon
Stated very clearly, “Guru Nanak spoke Japji as a way to guide and enlighten other human beings about the reality of the Divine within Creation." Japji is a teacher for anyone seeking Truth.
Includes potluck afterward
Donation based event

Mul Mantra Intensive with Puranpreet Kaur
Mul Mantra is sacred text given to us by Guru Nanak. “Mul” translates as root, so not only can it help us to feel grounded but it also speaks of foundational characteristics of God in us – in our True Essence. In addition, the vibrations of the Mul Mantra can destroy your fate and help you realize your destiny.
This mantra shows us there is ONLY ONE within everything that exists - which means also inside of you. And everything and everyone around you is also this ONE and the same Spirit. Deeply holding yourself as a Divine being, at One with Creator, is about self-acceptance & self love. In this workshop, we will explore this Infinite Oneness.

Gong immersion with BluePearl Wave
Join BluePearl Wave for an escapade into Sound healing! When you relax into a Gong Immersion and guide your awareness to your inner listening, you allow your brain waves to shift into a more relaxed state - similar to a dreamlike state. This dreamlike state is an invitation into a deeper level of consciousness & is an opportunity to gain perspective on what’s going on within you through subtle self-inquiry and self-discovery. The result can be a feeling of profound peace & happiness.

White Tantric Yoga® Chicago
Our minds release 1000 thoughts per wink of an eye. Some of these thoughts get lost in the unconscious, and some get stuck in the subconscious, affecting the conscious mind. These thoughts become feelings, emotions, desires, multi-realities or fantasies. Instead of mastering our mind, often our mind and thoughts direct or distract us, which can result in impulsive decisions, poor communication and self-imposed stress.
White Tantric Yoga® enables you to break through these subconscious blocks, so you can have a more enjoyable life.
In the shortest time, you can experience release from a lot of the burden you carry in your mind. When you see and act on each moment with clarity, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your life can change. Your mind, body, and soul can act together as one. This is the path to personal freedom and awareness, and will bring more success to every area of your life.
There are no prerequisites for participating in White Tantric Yoga®. Beginners will tune into their internal energies and enjoy a deep and sometimes challenging meditative experience. More advanced meditation practitioners will deepen their experience and make new inroads to their spiritual awareness.

Kirtan with Shanti & Ananda Lila
Join Ananda Lila Kirtan & friends in a collective sharing of Love!!
Together we will create a joyful space for opening voices and hearts in unity.
To sing from the heart, ground, center, connect and share! Raising vibrations through participatory chanting of sacred songs and mantras from different traditions. Raising energy of unity through our collective heart-voice medicine. Quieting the mind, allowing each of us to journey into the self.
Come discover mantra chanting as a very simple and joyful way to meditate and celebrate.Welcoming you to experience:
Mantra Chanting
Mindful Medicine Music
Songs for Peace and Unity
Healing Soundscapes
Come for the kirtan, stay for an after celebration of joyful loving connection.Ananda Lila Kirtan is a family of musicians offering an eclectic organic mantra music and meditation experience blending world music rhythms, and transcendent voices; East & Native Indian sounds with Eastern European, and ambient and folk flavors.
— Featuring —
Shanti Wendy Warnimont: Vocals, Accordion
Paula Battaglio: Harp
Muriel Reymond: World Percussion
Puranpreet Kaur on Djembe
Tickets are $20 per person and sell out quickly!

Kundalini Yoga & Gong immersion with BluePearl Wave
Join BluePearl Wave for an escapade into Sound healing! We will start with light Kundalini Yoga to open receptive channels. This will allow us to receive all of the healing vibrations from the Planetary Gongs. There is nothing like it!
When you relax into a Gong Immersion and guide your awareness to your inner listening, you allow your brain waves to shift into a more relaxed state - similar to a dreamlike state. This dreamlike state is an invitation into a deeper level of consciousness & is an opportunity to gain perspective on what’s going on within you through subtle self-inquiry and self-discovery. The result can be a feeling of profound peace & happiness.

Kundalini Yoga Aquarian Sadhana
Rise up before the sun for your spiritual practice! The “Amrit Vela” hours are a special time when our ability to clear the subconscious mind is heightened. Aquarian Sadhana is a powerful 2.5 hour practice that was developed to prepare humanity for the Aquarian Age, which began in 2012.
We begin by reciting a 20 minute sacred poem called Japji Sahib. Then we move our bodies with a Kriya (physical set), followed by a brief relaxation. Lastly, we chant the Aquarian Sadhana Mantras.
Be prepared to transform!
Beginners to Advanced Practitioners welcome
In-Person at Creation Yoga (Wheeling, IL) or Online via Zoom
Donation based

Conscious Communication Training: KRI Level 2 (In-Person or Online)
This course is open to those who have completed KRI Level 1 Teacher Training and those wishing to deepen their practice. Experience with Kundalini Yoga is highly recommended.
This course will give you the experiences to set your direction for a life-time of practice and exploration of effective communication guided by unique insights and techniques. We invite you to be uplifted by these elegant teachings:
Practice speaking meditatively and intuitively, not just talking, comparing ordinary and conscious communication.
Learn to gather your energy and awareness to support what you intend to communicate.
The art of Deep Listening - Sunni-ai, to listen not just hear.
Breaking the old, inviting the new! Stopping the endless debate about what you like and don't like and instead, using the power of creative dialogue, discover the possibilities and the unique reality in each situation.
Explore how comfortable you are with your vastness and realize prayer as the intimate presence of the infinite within you.
The schedule is structured to allow you the time to thoroughly understand and integrate the materials into your daily life as well as enjoy the course.
Course Fees:
Early-bird Fee (Before Dec 15) $850. Regular Fee (After Dec 15): $950
Senior 65+/Full Time Student: $850
Taking It Again: $485
Payment Plan: (3 installments of $265 after $250 Deposit): $1045. First installment due Dec 15.
The course fee includes 48 hours of instruction, a comprehensive manual for self-teaching and study guide for advanced learning, and for home study. Completion of 12 hours of home study is required for KRI certification. This course meets the qualifications for up to 48 hours of continuing education credits available for certified yoga instructors through Yoga Alliance.
Lead Trainers: Puranpreet Kaur, Shabad Kaur Khalsa & S.S. Shiva Singh Khalsa
February 24 & 25, 2024
March 9 & 10, 2024
April 6 & 7, 2024
Location: Join us in-person at Creation Yoga, or Online via Zoom
Kundalini Yoga & Gong immersion with BluePearl Wave
Join Puranpreet Kaur & Sher Joti Kaur of BluePearl Wave for an escapade into Sound healing! We will start with light Kundalini Yoga to open receptive channels. This will allow us to receive all of the healing vibrations from the Sun & Moon Gongs. There is nothing like it!
When you relax into a Gong Immersion and guide your awareness to your inner listening, you allow your brain waves to shift into a more relaxed state - similar to a dreamlike state. This dreamlike state is an invitation into a deeper level of consciousness & is an opportunity to gain perspective on what’s going on within you through subtle self-inquiry and self-discovery. The result can be a feeling of profound peace & happiness.

Simran: Remembrance of God - An All Day Kundalini Yoga Workshop (In-Person or Online)
The Sanskrit term Simran loosely translates to remember, reminisce, recollect. More specifically, it refers to the continuous remembrance of the finest aspect of the Self, and/or the continuous remembrance (or feeling) of God.
Through Kriya, small group work, journaling an a lot of meditation, we will explore:
Your existing relationship with Creator/Source/God (call it what you will)!
How to expand that relationship and potentially clear any existing blocks in that journey
How to maintain aspects of Simran while living everyday life
And… more!
Cost: $75 - Lunch is included
Location: Join us in-person at Creation Yoga, or online via Zoom.

Path to Peace ~ A Kundalini Yoga Awareness Workshop with Puranpreet Kaur
The practice of Kundalini Yoga, also known as the Yoga of Awareness, is the key to unleashing Kundalini Energy – your Unlimited Creative Potential.
Throughout our lifetime, we’ll all face triumphs and challenges. In this workshop we will gain tools used to navigate through these ups and downs with more awareness, intuition and neutrality - maintaining a serenity that allows us to more creatively and clearly see the Path to Peace.
Broaden your awareness, expand your potential and connect with flow as you practice pranayama and asana from the Kundalini Yoga tradition. Enjoy the experience as you journey in this in this Process to Peace.