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White Tantric Yoga Chicago

  • Chicago, IL United States (map)

Release the mental burdens of your past!

White Tantric Yoga® is done in pairs as a group meditation. You sit facing a partner and follow instructions for meditation given on video by the Mahan Tantric, Yogi Bhajan.

A representative of the Mahan Tantric will be present to facilitate White Tantric Yoga®. The original facilitators were chosen personally by Yogi Bhajan from members of his staff. Since his passing the Board Members of Humanology and Health Science, which manages White Tantric Yoga, have used the profile he created for choosing new facilitators. Currently all White Tantric Yoga facilitators have studied personally with Yogi Bhajan. The facilitator's role is one of ensuring the methodology given by Yogi Bhajan is carried out, and helping participants maximize their experience.

Each workshop consists of between six and eight kriyas. A kriya is a meditation incorporating:

  • a yoga posture (asana)

  • a hand position (mudra)

  • a breathing technique (pranayama)

  • a mental focus

  • and/or a mantra

Sometimes the kriyas are accompanied by music. These kriyas vary in length, for 11 minutes up to sixty-two minutes. There are breaks between each kriya. The environment is peaceful, and the atmosphere is friendly, supportive, and up-lifting. A vegetarian lunch is provided along with fruit snacks.

 There are no prerequisites for participating in White Tantric Yoga®. Beginners will tune into their internal energies and enjoy a deep and sometimes challenging meditative experience. More advanced meditation practitioners will deepen their experience and make new inroads to their spiritual awareness.

April 4

Balance the Tattvas with Kundalini Yoga & Prana Plant Essential Oils